OWNing your career!: Typecasting: Take One!: Typecasting: The Negative daryl m. williams January 4, 2013 Typecasting happens. Understand, typecasting isn’t merely that Arnold or Br...
Why Wait Till Eventually? By Daryl M. Williams December 18, 2012 If I had a $1 for every time I heard a student or client indicate they were going to wait until they graduated or until the holidays were over before beginning their employment search, I would have a nice down payment on a near luxury vehicle. Here’s the thing, folks: it really is a myth that hiring stops during the end of the year. We HAVE to go forth and conquer because depending on where you look you will find data suggesting that the average time it takes to earn a new job is 6 months to 1 year. For example, an article at AOL indicates the average time is 7 months. AOL Job Length Think about that in terms of YOUR job hunt YOU just pushed back until you graduate one year from now. If you thought you would waltz from the classroom to the boardroom you may be in for a huge, unwelcome surprise. The same applies to the holidays in terms of assuming companies are waiting. Here’s the thing, I get it. Peopl...
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