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Working from home!

What happens next when work from home becomes the daily expectation? Working from home has finally become a reality and while grateful, some people are realizing they don’t particularly like it. In this COVID-19 world we are living in, some of us have the privilege of working from home and that is exactly what it is, a privilege. So many are having to seek unemployment, unsure how they’ll pay bills or buy groceries. I’m not here to cure those ails, although I wish I could but I firmly believe we have a great opportunity to get more workplaces to recognize the employee benefit that work from home can be. This means, be productive! Seems easy enough, however there are moments when Netflix and chill takes on a completely different meaning as in: me, myself and I with popcorn and a drink and what was I supposed to be doing. Not that this has happened to me anytime recently, just making conversation. Here’s what my team and I are doing: Using Zoom to get the face time we are miss...
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The case for Diversity, what it is and why it matters!

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Market Yourself like a start-up!

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Mass Application Dash, MAD!

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Managing for the first time

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Advice to a younger me

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